Home » Dominoes Lyrics – Alle Farben & Noonoouri

Dominoes Lyrics – Alle Farben & Noonoouri

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Dominoes Lyrics latest song by Alle Farben & Noonoouri. The Lyrics were written by Andrew Bullimore, Frans Zimmer, Frederic Schax, Jenson Vaughan, and Serhat Sakin and Produced by Alle Farben and Serhat Sakin

Dominoes Song Details

Artist/SingerAlle Farben & Noonoouri
LyricsAndrew Bullimore, Frans Zimmer,
Frederic Schax, Jenson Vaughan, and Serhat Sakin
ProducedAlle Farben and Serhat Sakin

Dominoes Music

Dominoes Lyrics

One by one, watch them fall
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes

Just a little push, that’s enough to start
A chain reaction
Once I’m on a roll, there’s no turning back
When I get traction, it just happens
Once you get me smiling, I’m a run away train
My heart is like an ocean [?] my wave
Just a little push, that’s enough to start
A chain reaction

One by one, watch them fall
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes
One by one, watch them drop
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes
Take [?]
I’m not gonna stop till [?]
One by one, watch them fall
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes

Pick ’em up again, knock ’em down until
They all kick ass now
Everybody breaks when I won another
[?] black out
Once you get me smiling, I’m a run away train
My heart is like an ocean [?] my wave
Pick ’em up again, knock ’em down until
They all kick ass now

One by one, watch them fall
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes
One by one, watch them run
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes

Take [?]
I’m not gonna stop till [?]
One by one, watch them fall
Like domi-dominoes, domi-dominoes

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