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Home » Dead End Lyrics – Blusher

Dead End Lyrics – Blusher

by Msong Lyrics

Dead End Lyrics latest english song by Blusher. Lyrics were written by Jade Ingvarson-Favretto, Lauren Coutts, Miranda Ward, and Robby De Sa and Produced by Lauren Coutts and Robby De Sa

Blusher Dead End Song Details

SongDead End
LyricsJade Ingvarson-Favretto, Lauren Coutts, Miranda Ward, and Robby De Sa
ProducedLauren Coutts and Robby De Sa

Blusher Dead End Music

Blusher Dead End Lyrics

There’s nothing going on.
Get in my car. We’ve got to
make something happen.
Gonna cut.
Why do we go out on Tuesday?
I cried when they took my fake ID,
but that didn’t stop me
trying so hard to speed up time.
Chase, I still want the
long night. Drunk friends?

My friends. Makes no sense. I can’t
read the signs you’re giving.
Ohh, we gonna stay until
3:00 AM. Because all these times.
High pressed against your arm and you
didn’t stop me trying so hard to slow
down time where I haven’t
changed. I still want the
long night. Dog friends.
Nothing let me so.
Drunk friends?
I keep listening.Like in my custom.

This time is 5. This person.
This all this time.
I haven’t changed. I still
long night stand there with my
friends at the dead.
This song.
Don’t friend.